iTunes Music: Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery: Produce Great Sounding Music with Mastered for iTunes【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

iTunes Music: Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery: Produce Great Sounding Music with Mastered for iTunes【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】 iTunes Music: Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery: Produce Great Sounding Music with Mastered for iTunes【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】 iTunes Music: Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery: Produce Great Sounding Music with Mastered for iTunes【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

iTunes Music: Mastering High Resolution Audio Delivery: Produce Great Sounding Music with Mastered for iTunesApple's exciting new Mastered for iTunes (MFiT) initiative, introduced in early 2012, introduces new possibilities for delivering high-quality audio. For the first time, record labels and program producers are encouraged to deliver audio materials to iTunes in a high resolution format, which can produce better-sounding masters. In iTunes Music, author and world-class mastering engineer Bob Katz starts out with the basics, surveys the recent past, and brings you quickly up to the present-where the current state of digital audio is bleak. Katz explains the evolution of standards for dynamic range through the present and with implications for the future. He details the new methods that Apple is developing to accept high resolution audio and shows step by step how audio engineers and producers can take advantage of them. This book is designed for all those dealing with sound, from sound engineers to music industry executives and musicians-and those aspiring to all these roles. This book will help you understand the issues around delivering high-quality environment and get all your facts straight for when you encounter resistance to good sound. Topics covered include: * Contrasting the production of CD albums with iTunes albums * High Resolution audio * Dithering * Distortion (and how to avoid it) * Lossy Coding * Loudness Metering * Sound Check and how it affects our production techniques * Apple's tools for Mastered for iTunes Foreword by renowned mastering engineer Bob Ludwig. Join the forums at, for the latest information and discussions!Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.7 x 22.9 centimetres (0.27 kg)Appleのエキサイティングな新しいMastered for iTunes(MFiT)イニシアティブは、2012年初めに導入され、高品質のオーディオを提供する新しい可能性をもたらします。


iTunes Musicでは、制作者で世界クラスのマスタリングエンジニアのBob Katzが基礎を学び、最近の調査を行い、デジタルオーディオの現在の状態が荒々しい現在まですばやく現れます。





* CDアルバムの作成とiTunesアルバムの比較*高解像度オーディオ*ディザリング*ディストーション(回避方法)*ロスコーディング*ラウドネスメーターリング*サウンドチェックとその生産技術にどのように影響するか* Appleのマスターツール有名なマスタリングエンジニアのBob LudwigによるiTunesの序文。

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